Fourteen months old

Our proud 14-month-old

Casual pose

( I look a lot like my mom here)


Exploring the kitchen cabinets


I'm ready for my snack now mom



A sampling of my sign vocabulary - I now regularly use about 40 signs (from left to right: up, drink, eat)


Today we visited the town of Überlingen


Matching hats


Glamour girl - our little starlet enjoying the spotlight


After Germany beat Argentina in soccer the town went wild, and this was only the quarter finals of the World Cup!


We took a ferry, train, airplane and car to travel to England for our friends Claire and Dave's wedding


All dressed up and ready to attend my first wedding


Handsome family


My dance partner, the groom's nephew James


Visiting the Wells cathedral, conveniently located in the same town as the wedding


On the 4th of July we went to the Glastonbury Abbey ruins. I enjoyed reading all about the abbey and seeing King Arthur's tomb


The next day we visited Stonehenge


I was more impressed by the rope barrier than by the henge though


Two tourists


Two tourists again


That same day we also visited Wilton House, home of the Earl of Pembroke


Braving the rain at Wilton


Shocking phone call?


Hurricane Adeline


Carrying around my doll that's almost as big as me!


Hugs for pooh bear


Completely fascinated by skateboarders


Cute chubster


Testing out the waters of the Bodensee


Leading around my latest beau, Matthias


Helping mom clean


Making a camera case puppet


Funny faces and a silly smile


Attack of the giant baby!


Coloring requires lots of concentration


Art Nouveau in Budapest


Pushing my stroller is a new favorite activity


I make friends everywhere - giving hugs to a Hungarian girl


Practicing for my future as a catalog model


Two sleeping beauties



Videos of Adeline

Adeline's first year

Adeline's second year